嘉宾简介:董春华,中国科学技术大学教授。主要从事腔光力学、微腔光频梳、非线性光学的实验和理论研究。以主要作者在Science、Nature Photonics、Nature Communications和PRL等国际重要杂志发表研究论文100余篇,他引3300余次,h因子30。研究成果入选2016中国光学重要成果以及美国光学学会组织评选的2016年全球光学重要进展“Optics in 2016”。获得基金委优秀青年基金资助(2017);入选国家级青年人才、荣获中国科学院优秀博士生导师;担任国际学术刊物《Photonics Research》编委。
内容简介:This talk will present the experimental progresses of cavity optomechanics in my group. A reconfigurable non-reciprocal device with alternative functions as either a circulator or a directional amplifier via optomechanically induced coherent photon-phonon conversion or gain was demonstrated. In addition, a controllable synthetic gauge field is realized by tuning the phase of the driving lasers by employing the optical modes and the mechanical mode. The non-reciprocal conversion between the multi modes is realized for different synthetic magnetic fluxes. The phonons in the such system can be manipulated either with the magnetostrictive interaction or optically through the radiation pressure. Together with mechanical state preparation and sensitive readout, we demonstrate the microwave-to-optical conversion with an ultrawide tuning range up to 3 GHz. In the end, we can either enhance or suppress the optomechanical cooling and amplification of the target mechanical oscillations and cool the mechanical resonator to the ground state.
邀请人:张沛 教授